Lala’s Blog
Lala’s Bedtime Tales Blog is a helpful resource for individuals that enjoy erotica & spicy romance stories. The blog is for those searching for healthy relationship advice and sex tips from sexual wellness experts and resources about sexual health education and women’s wellness information from medical professionals and mental health specialists.

Overcoming Fibroids For A Vibrant Future
Uterine fibroids are a common reproductive condition of many assigned females at birth. It's estimated that about 20% to 80% of women will develop fibroids by the time they turn fifty years old. Most uterine fibroid cases are found in women in their forties and early fifties. While fibroids affect many women, there's little research about this women's reproductive health issue causing many women to suffer in silence with the condition, especially Black/African American women impacted at a higher rate by this medical condition than any other demographic.

When Having A Tight Pussy Isn't Enjoyable
One of the leading causes of painful sex or dyspareunia in women is vaginismus. The Library of National Medicine reports that about 1 to 7% of women worldwide suffer from vaginismus. In fact, many healthcare providers believe vaginismus is a relatively common female sexual dysfunction disorder. Unfortunately, vaginismus potentially goes underreported due to taboo stigmatization around female sexuality and anatomy.

Protect Black Women From Reproductive Injustice
When we discuss reproductive justice, our minds immediately go to the major issue of reproductive rights. While this is one of the core elements of reproductive justice, it can be viewed as just the tip of the unequally distributed iceberg that Black women often face when dealing with healthcare concerns. Bringing into question whether or not the healthcare services we seek to access are legal and available in our areas is one of many that have plagued Black women for decades. Comprehensive reproductive healthcare has been a luxury that has consistently escaped Black women of all social-economic statuses and classes.

Why Doesn't My Partner Want As Much Sex As Me
Mismatched sex drives are a widespread sexual concern, especially for couples in long-term relationships. Mismatched libidos are the common cause of couples seeking relationship help in sex therapy or marital counseling. However, before we dive into how to fix libido differences, let's talk basics. Sexual desire, the want and/or need to have sex, is what controls our libido or sex drive. Most men, women, and non-binary individuals have a naturally innate desire for sexual relations. It's essential to understand your desire and sexual wants because it makes it easier to understand what makes sex more enjoyable for you, making you want to engage in sex more often. The lack of understanding of what pleases you in the bedroom is where you might need to start to overcome the sex drive disconnect between you and your intimate partner(s).

Pussy Knowledge Equals Pleasure: Vulva Anatomy and Pleasure
"Pussy” is the universal word people often use when referring to the Vulva and Vagina! It is widespread for people to use the terms, vulva, and vagina synonymously. But, they’re not interchangeable terms. Not having a clear understanding of the anatomy of female genitalia or the “pussy” is one of the key factors that play in the pleasure or orgasm gap that’s prevalent between cisgender women and men in heterosexual relationships. Therefore, the key to having pleasurable sex as a vulva owner is to understand your body and its pleasure spots or erogenous zones.

Sexual and Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights
As we close out Universal Human Rights Month, it's a good time to reflect on the protections you have for your rights. Fundamental human rights are inherent, regardless of nationality, ethnic origin, color, or sexual orientation. And living in the United States gives you fundamental freedoms like the right to life, education, and work.
Even though you may not think about it, having reproductive and sexual health choices are also a fundamental human right. Decisions you make about your body, when to have children, who to marry, or your gender identity should be your own. So, having access to accurate information and health services and living a life free from sexual violence is imperative.
So here are some critical facts about reproductive rights to consider as you continue to honor the work that has gone into ensuring the protection of everyone's freedom.

Let's Stop Normalizing Painful Sex
The mood is set, the moment is right, and you are with someone that shares amazing sexual chemistry with you. There's just one problem-- Dyspareunia, or painful sexual intercourse, occurs, dampening the mood for you and making the experience lackluster. Dyspareunia affects 3-18% of individuals, regardless of gender, though it occurs more commonly in people with vulvas1. According to the American College of Gynecology, approximately 3 out of 4 women will experience dyspareunia during their lifetimes.

Six Sexpert Tips To Know Before Buying Sex Toys
There are so many sex toys out there on the market that it can be stressful picking the right sex toy that would be most beneficial to your sexual wellness and lifestyle. Bri, Self-fullness and Lovership Coach, is providing expert tips and knowledge about everything you need to know about purchasing sex toys. So, get expert sex education, sex toy information, and sex toy recommendations from this sexpert blog.

A Popular Medical Option For Women Who Can't Achieve Orgasm
It's common for many women to find it difficult to orgasm. There's a psychological, emotional, and physical aspects to sex, and any of these variables can interfere with an individual's ability to reach orgasm. Most commonly, when a woman has trouble reaching orgasm, it's due to a lack of understanding of the female anatomy and the absence of communication of pleasure and needs in the bedroom between partners. However, this may not always be the reason why you're falling short when experiencing a sexual climax. Sexual dysfunction is as common in women as it is in men. But it's also important to note that there could be many issues as to why a woman may not orgasm. Besides orgasmic dysfunction that can affect women sexually and cause female sexual dysfunction, other ailments can play a role in the dissatisfaction of a woman's sex life. For example, these ailments can include low libido, painful sex, difficulty in arousal, or an aversion to sex. These are a few of many variables that are common and real issues that can cause women distress and affect their relationships. The good news is there are many medical treatments available that women don't know about that can help with their orgasm difficulties. Currently, the most popular medical option is the Orgasm Shot, most commonly known as the O-shot. Today, we will answer all your questions about the O-shot's benefits and risks.

What No One Tells You About Menopause
According to the North America Menopause Society (NAMS), every woman who survives the middle-age stage of life will experience menopause, which usually starts between 40 and 58 years. The fundamental mechanism of menopause undergoes activities of the brain (hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis), a series of changes as a woman traverses through menopause. The primary driver of change is ovarian follicular depletion, which begins even before birth and results in a progressive, exponential loss of follicles over a woman's lifetime, characterized by changes in patterns of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in hormone levels. The menopause process symptoms affect body composition, including hot flashes, night sweats, flushing, vaginal atrophy, insomnia, other sleeping difficulties, increase in cardiac problems, bone depletion (osteoporosis), mood swings, and psychosocial well-being.

The Most Common Hormonal Disorder in Women: PCOS Awareness
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common women's health issue. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects around 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. Although the cause of PCOS is unknown, it is thought to be related to an imbalance in the levels of certain hormones, including insulin and testosterone. The hormonal imbalance creates issues in the ovaries. The ovaries make the egg that is released each month as part of a healthy menstrual cycle. PCOS is a reproductive syndrome that keeps the egg from being released during ovulation.

Contraception Overload: A Guide To Birth Control Methods
When you hear safer sex, contraception commonly comes to mind to prevent pregnancy. However, choosing the best birth control method can be daunting since there are so many options. But the confusion on which birth control is the safest or best for your body shouldn't keep you from practicing safe sex. If you are sexually active, it's pertinent to protect yourself and your partner(s) by making sexually healthy choices, including using birth control and condoms. There are so many options beyond hormonal birth control pills, so here at Lala's Bedtime Tales, we want to arm you with sexual health knowledge to make choosing the proper contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancies easier.

Exercise Your Way Into Mind-Blowing Sex & Body Confidence
Many women could probably attest to this truth personally (I know I can): How a woman feels about her body can directly impact how she feels in the bedroom! When you are not feeling good about yourself, it can be tough to get in the mood for sex- solo or with a partner! Research shows at least every 1 in 3 women struggle with a lack of body confidence in and out of the bedroom. An informal survey of 1,000 women in 2018 showed that 79% said their biggest bedroom insecurity is their body! That's a lot of women who allow how their body looks to determine the kind of sexual experience they have. When you allow your body to decide on your sexual experience, you lose out on many pleasurable experiences in the bedroom!

Sex Tips All College Students Need To Know
As an incoming college freshman, you're probably preparing to meet your new roommate, deciding which campus clubs to join, and searching for the cheapest textbooks. And as your first day draws near, you may feel equally anxious and terrified about entering the college dating pool. But before diving headfirst into the campus hookup culture, here are seven safe sex tips to minimize your risk while you enjoy your newfound independence.

The Bloodborne STI: Hepatitis C Is A Global Health Crisis
According to WHO, Hepatitis C is a bloodborne virus that is transmitted through contact with blood from an infected person. Hepatitis C infection has emerged as a global health crisis. It is one of the major global causes of death. Data indicates that over the last decade, its seroprevalence has doubled to over 2.8%, which relates to approximately 190 million infections globally. Hepatitis C exhibits a unique genetic diversity characterized by different genotype mutations, which poses a challenge in improving and developing pan-genotypic treatment and vaccines.

Be PrEP-ared: The HIV Prevention Option You Need to Know About
It's Pride Month, which means the hot days of summer are upon us! And now that "outside" is a thing again, beach vacations, Mimosa's on the patio, and carefree summer love may even be on your radar. As you ease your way back into the dating pool, steamy days and sultry summer nights provide the perfect backdrop to find your Mr. or Ms. Right or hell, Mr. or Ms. Right now! But, while summer flings can be exciting and passionate, nothing kills the mood more than not having a foolproof plan, like getting started on PrEP- an HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. So, before you jump into an uncomplicated, no-strings-attached "hook up," here is everything you need to know about PreP.

Essential LGBT+ Inclusive Sex Education
June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT+) Pride Month, held in memory of the 1969 Stonewall riots and LGBT+ activists who fought (and continue to fight for) justice. June is also a time to reflect on the needs, voices, and achievements of the LGBT+ community.
Hi, I'm Sadia, a women's health nurse practitioner here to answer your pressing questions on LGBT+ sexual health disparities and concerns within the LGBT+ community. In honor of Pride Month, I will be defining and explaining common terms in the LGBT+ community, going over LGBT+ sexual health and other top health concerns, and providing resources so you can stay safe and healthy. And also, enjoy your sex life to your fullest potential!
If you're eager to learn all things about LGBT+ sexual health, this blog post is for you!

Debunking Menstruation Taboos
In society worldwide, menstruation is seen as a shameful, taboo, or unspeakable occurrence that naturally happens to about half of the world's population. According to UNICEF, 1.8 billion people worldwide menstruate every month, yet the LANCET Group has researched that only an estimated 500 million of these people can attain menstrual health education. Therefore, menstrual health is now being classified as a public health & human rights issue. Here at Lala's Bedtime Tales, we are working towards spreading education, awareness, and normalizing a natural body function, menstruation. So, check out this informative blog that sheds light on menstrual health awareness and equity.

Oral Sex Affects Your Oral Health
When you're thinking about oral sex, learning about the connections between oral sex, oral health, and oral hygiene is probably the last thing on your mind. Oral sex is relatively common among people of all sexualities and genders, but how much do you know about oral sex and oral health? How often do you use protection when having oral sex? When was the last time you went to the dentist for your checkup or cleaning? Despite the popularity of oral sex in mainstream sexual health discussions and the media, many people are unaware of the realities that oral sex plays on oral health. Several sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are contracted via oral sex, impacting your overall oral health. Because of stigma and shame around discussing STIs and oral sex, oral infections are often under-diagnosed, overlooked, and dismissed as not a "real health problem." Hi, I'm Sadia, a women's health nurse practitioner here to answer your pressing questions on how oral sex affects oral health. In honor of Oral Cancer Awareness Month and STI Awareness Month, which occur every April, I will discuss all things oral sex and oral health!

Miracles Happen Every Day: Infertility Awareness
Approximately 1 in 5 women struggles with infertility in America. This means they either have trouble getting pregnant or carrying the baby full term. For a woman to become pregnant naturally, there are many moving parts to the process that can impact the success or failure of the pregnancy. Impaired fertility or infertility refers to a woman's difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy full term. Although this term refers to the woman's ability (or lack thereof) to get pregnant, some issues begin with the male partner and are not a result of the woman's reproductive system not functioning correctly. Infertility can affect both the lives of men and women. But, there is hope out there, miracles happen every day, and parenthood occurs in various ways. Read this blog to learn more about Infertility.