Exercise Your Way Into Mind-Blowing Sex & Body Confidence

Fitness Improves your body confidence & your sex life

Many women could probably attest to this truth personally (I know I can): How a woman feels about her body can directly impact how she feels in the bedroom! When you are not feeling good about yourself, it can be tough to get in the mood for sex- solo or with a partner! Research shows at least every 1 in 3 women struggle with a lack of body confidence in and out of the bedroom. An informal survey of 1,000 women in 2018 showed that 79% said their biggest bedroom insecurity is their body! That's a lot of women who allow how their body looks to determine the kind of sexual experience they have. When you allow poor body image to decide on your sexual experience, you lose out on many pleasurable experiences in the bedroom!  

I know this firsthand as a mom of three who had her last two babies back to back. After having my last baby, I felt so insecure in my body that I never really wanted to be seen in anything sexy, let alone naked. Allowing my insecurities and negative body image to control how I felt outside the bedroom followed me into the bedroom and took away so much from me. When you constantly think about how you look, you are not present at the moment, making your sexual experiences less enjoyable. Fitness helped me overcome most of my insecurities with my body and allowed me to receive the most pleasurable experiences in the bedroom! So many women fail to realize that their negative body image is their sex life's worst enemy!

Do you feel your body image may be affecting your sex life? Do you want to create a fitness routine to help you have the sex life you always imagined? 

 Hi! I am Ash- Certified Sex, Confidence, and Fitness Coach! I help women & couples achieve just that! You are worthy of having the sex life you always wanted in a body that turns you on!! Before we can address what fitness routine may be best for you, we must first take a look at some signs that your negative body image may be affecting your sex life!

Signs That Your Body Image Is Affecting Your Sex Life!

Signs That Your Body Image Is Affecting Your Sex Life!

Many women I speak to daily don't realize that their body image affects their sex life. Understanding the signs will help you become more aware of your current relationship with your body so you can build a better one with yourself and your partner and open yourself to receive much more pleasure!

 When you read these statements, which one do you feel sounds most like you? 

  1. The thought of being naked in front of my partner or even alone is so hard.

  2. I tense up when my partner attempts to undress me to have sex.

  3. I must cover my body when my partner is around so they don't see my rolls/ stretch marks/ loose skin, etc.

  4. Before having sex, I dim the lights or turn them off completely so my body is hidden during the entire sexual experience.

  5. I am constantly in my head during sex which doesn't allow me to be present at the moment.

  6. I avoid certain sex positions or don't try anything new that I feel my body isn't flattering in those positions.

  7. I won't practice self-pleasure because it's hard to bring pleasure to my body when it looks as it does.

  8. I wear an oversized shirt when I am having sex, so my body is not seen during sex with my partner.

  9. I will wear lingerie when I lose weight.

  10. I will feel confident in my body in the bedroom when I tone up.

Do you feel seen right now? Do one or more of those signs sound like you? 

Becoming more aware of the signs is the first step to genuinely allowing yourself to receive more pleasure in your body that you have been missing out on for so long. A consistent fitness routine has been one of the best ways to help improve overall body image and increase one's sex life! However, one of the biggest struggles that women come across when starting a fitness routine is that they aren't consistent long enough to reap the benefits of exercising to enhance their sex life. Consistency comes along will understanding how fitness can improve your sex life!

The Benefits of Exercise on Your Body Confidence in the Bedroom

The Benefits of Exercise on Your Body Confidence in the Bedroom

As I mentioned, following a consistent fitness routine can improve your body image & increase your confidence in and out of the bedroom! I love relating fitness to one's sex life because it is the one thing most fitness influencers and coaches don't discuss. Most fitness coaches use the benefits of health & wellness to motivate their clients, but I use the benefits of what it does in the bedroom to inspire mine! Most people, women especially, start to work out because they feel shame in their bodies. They look in the mirror, and they are unhappy with their reflection. 

Instead of approaching their fitness journey from a place of love, they are approaching it from a place of hate, and they start doing different programs and fad diets that are not realistic and sustainable for them. This approach damages a woman's body image more than anything else. This is where the fitness mistake lies and why so many women still struggle with feeling confident.

But imagine loving your body at your current fitness level, shape, or size and working towards your fitness goals, knowing that it CAN and WILL help improve the confidence and pleasure of your sexual encounters.

Oh, babyyy, doesn't that motivate you more with wanting to be consistent with your routine?

I KNOW it does for me and many of the female clients that I coach!

You see, fitness benefits your sex life in so many ways and what's great about it is that you don't have to kill yourself in the gym or set unrealistic goals for yourself to reap the benefits! You get to work on your goals, feel confident in your current nakedness, and have the sex you desire! Your body doesn't get to dictate how much sex you have! So, what are these benefits that fitness has on your sex life?

Benefits Of Fitness To Your Sex Life!

Benefits of Fitness to Your Sex Life!

As mentioned previously, research has proven that there are many ways that fitness improves your sex life! I want to discuss my FIVE top ways with you:

  1. Confidence Booster: Regular exercise helps improve your self-esteem and confidence in your body! There is something that happens to a woman when she starts working out. You start feeling more comfortable in your body and appreciative of the things your body does! These feelings about your body follow you into the bedroom, improving how you show up in the bedroom! No more hiding your body or wearing an oversized shirt when you feel confident in your body! You and your partner are much happier, which improves your sex life!

  2. Healthy Sex-Drive: Fitness Increases your desire for sex! When you work out and feel good and more confident in your skin, you want more sex! Movement stimulates your endorphins, increasing your desire to burn them off in the bedroom!

  3. Easier Arousal & Intense Orgasms: Fitness will improve the intensity of your orgasms! How may you ask? When you work out, you are helping improve the blood circulation in your body to your organs. Your genitals are an organ, and exercising will help increase blood flow to your sex organs. Allowing you to become aroused much more quickly! When it's time to orgasm, they will be much more intense! Now you don't have to kill yourself in the gym to experience this benefit! With as little as twenty minutes of exercise a day, 3-5 days a week, you can enjoy this sexual benefit of a consistent exercise regimen.

  4. Exercise Relieves Stress: Fitness improves stress! Stress is a significant libido killer. Working out naturally increases your feel-good hormones so you can relax and enjoy sex more with yourself or your partner. They are helping you be more present at the moment and not stuck in your head!

  5. Makes Sex Positions Funner: Of course, I had to add this one to the top five because so many women avoid trying new sex positions. After all, it may not be flattering to their bodies! When a woman can fall in love with their body, they will absolutely be more willing to try new positions in the bedroom. PLUS, fitness allows us to get into those more challenging positions more easily.

Okay, so I must give you a bonus benefit! Enhanced Pleasure! Pleasure is increased in your body and your life when you exercise! How? The more positive you feel in your body, the more you open yourself up to receive more pleasure- in & out of the bedroom! Whew, and to think fitness has so many other benefits on your sex life! Learning this new information and the benefits, doesn't this make you want to get up and work out??

Remember, you don't have to kill yourself in the gym! 

But then you are probably wondering which exercises you should be doing to have better sex!

Exercises Guaranteed To Improve Your Sex Life

Exercises to Improve Your Sex Life

Okay, let me share that with you! Cardio & strength training are the best forms of exercise to improve your sex life; however, anything that gets you moving that you love to do and know that you will be consistent with is the best thing to do!! You want the exercise you do to bring you pleasure in and out of the bedroom! Research shows that the pleasure you experience during exercise will improve your behavior in being more consistent.

If you struggle with consistency, program hopping, or stopping and starting a new program, this is what I recommend for you. Pick exercises that FEEL good! When you choose an exercise routine that feels good while you do it, you will keep coming back to it! Lower intensity exercises are most pleasant for people because they are easier on the joints and body. This is why I choose to strength train. It makes me feel good, and I am more likely to show up knowing I won't be jumping around or running for long periods. 

While cardiovascular health is essential, this is where you will help increase the likelihood of having those intense orgasms; you don't have to do it for hours on end. You get to do what pleases you and what will keep you consistent! Flexibility is also crucial for better sex. Flexibility helps alleviate aches and pains and allows you to experiment with positions that may seem complicated. Yoga is your best friend here to help with flexibility! You don't have to become a yoga queen here, either. Doing some light yoga or just some deep stretches to open your hips will benefit you so much in the bedroom!

Are you looking for some more guidance? 

Check out my FREE Exercise for Better Sex Guide! This guide will give you my top 5 exercises to improve your sex life.

Fitness Consistency + Positive Body Image = More Pleasure in the Bedroom

Fitness Consistency + Positive Body Image = More Pleasure in the Bedroom

You now understand that fitness benefits your sex life and improves your body confidence. You also know that to reap the benefits of your fitness program in the bedroom, you have to be consistent with it. Creating a fitness routine that you can be consistent with will help you become confident in your body- both in & out of the bedroom! So many women struggle with this because they look outside themselves for the answers. Everything you need to create a routine to be consistent with is within you! STOP doing what you see other people do and start searching for the answers within you!

So how do you create a program for yourself that allows you to be consistent and receive more pleasure in the bedroom? 

Tips on Finding A Fitness Program Perfect for You

Tips on Finding A Fitness Program Perfect for You
  1. Slow down: I know we all want fast results. We wanted to feel confident yesterday. Slowing down lets you focus on yourself and reflect on what you love to do, which brings me to my next tip. 

  2. Move in ways that feel good to you: If you love to dance, then shake that booty. If you love to swim, find a pool. If you love to walk, then do that. There is no right way to exercise. When you move in ways that feel good and bring your body pleasure, you show up so much more consistently!

  3.  Self-Pleasure: I know this may be a shocker, because it definitely shocked me! BUT this is a game changer. Women who self-pleasure are most likely to stay consistent with their fitness goals and be more confident in the bedroom. The power of self-pleasure is indescribable. Create a routine that allows you time and space to fully connect to your body so you can appreciate your body more!

    Notice how these tips are deeper and require you to connect to yourself. That is the key to long-lasting results in and outside the bedroom!

Fitness & Body Confidence Looks Different In Everyone

Fitness & body confidence looks different in everyone

I want to close this by saying this; there is no size, shape, or number on the scale or fitness program that will guarantee body confidence. BUT What I do know is following a consistent fitness program will help build your confidence in your body. When you build that confidence in your body, you will want more sex with yourself and your partner (no more turning the lights off or hiding your body). When you have more sex, you explore your pleasures even more. When you explore your pleasure more, you step into your most sexually confident, empowered self! When you are sexually confident, you are genuinely in your feminine power.

And no size or shape can determine that! Ultimately, we all want to experience our most sexually confident self- both in and out of the bedroom! As you finish this blog, I invite you to open yourself to receiving so much more pleasant by creating a fitness routine. And as always, remember that your body size does not determine how much pleasure you receive! Regardless of what the scale reads, you receive pleasure from your body NOW!

With love and pleasure always,


Need more support on feeling confident & sexy in the bedroom? 

Download My FREE Bedroom Confidence guide that will give you five steps to feeling confident & sexy A.F. in the bedroom.

August is National Wellness Month! Your physical health plays a major role in your sexual health and pleasure, and a significant part of Lala's Bedtime Tales mission is to provide a safe space and judgment-free zone to educate yourself on sexual health & wellness. The Sexual Health & Wellness corner will have monthly articles dedicated to continuous education on living a positive and sexually healthy lifestyle. Subscribe to Lala's Bedtime Tales Newsletter and follow @LalasBedtimeTales on social media to never miss any sexual education to help you live the healthiest life possible. Also, check out the Lala's Bedtime Tales Podcast and Lala's Oh So Exclusive Patreon account for even more content! If you’re browsing for sexy pleasure products or cute giftable items, then check out Lala’s Pleasure Shop.

 Lala's Bedtime Tales Disclaimer

The content displayed on this website is the intellectual property of LaLa's Bedtime Tales "The Creator". Without our written consent, you may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content. The subject matter on LaLa's Bedtime Tales is provided by licensed medical providers and from reputable sources but is meant for educational and informative purposes only. It is not meant to be used for self-diagnosing or self-treatment any health-related conditions. While the information has been peer-reviewed by a licensed healthcare provider for accuracy, we cannot guarantee any inaccuracies as healthcare is rapidly evolving, and this information should not be used to substitute professional medical advice in person. The Creator is not responsible or liable for any damages, loss, injury, or any negative outcomes suffered as a result of personal reliance on the information contained on this website. The Creator also makes no guaranteed positive outcomes. Information is also subject to change as needed without notice, and "The Creator" reserves the right to do so.

Please consult your healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions and ask for guidance for specific health conditions. Please do not disregard the advice of your healthcare provider or delay seeking care for health care conditions.

Ash Tarver, Certified Sex, Confidence, & Fitness Coach

Ash Tarver is a Certified Sex, Confidence & Fitness Coach. She is the CEO of Ash Tarver Fitness LLC. Ash holds certifications in Sex & Relationship Coaching, Personal Training, Fitness Nutrition & Behavioral Change. Tarver has served in the military for over 17 years and is a busy mom of 3. Ash has also competed in three (3) NPC bikini competitions and became Nationally Qualified in August of 2020! As a busy mama, Ash understands how hard it can be to feel confident and sexy in the bedroom. Ash is committed to helping women & couples feel confident and sexy in their skin, both in & out of the bedroom, while having deeply fulfilling relationships with themselves & their partners! 


To learn more about the services that Ash provides, send her an e-mail at ashtarverfitness@outlook.com or follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashthatfitsexcoach/  or check out her linktree at https://linktr.ee/ashtarver


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